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20 Jul 2021 | 13:13

The Sport for Development Coalition is staging a series of ‘Town Hall’ online events to enable network members “have their say on important issues in the sector”, and drive the Coalition’s collective response to them. 

The events will follow on from the induction sessions, which were run during the first half of 2021. The inductions, aimed at new members signing up to the Coalition’s Charter, will also continue throughout the rest of the year. 

The Town Hall events are designed to provide regular opportunities for Coalition member organisations to input on important issues, and will feature experts and presentations on hot topics and key aspects of sport for development.


There will be facilitated discussion with the opportunity for attendees to ask questions, debate issues and provide first-hand experience from their communities and delivery programmes. 

The first session will take place on Friday 10th September (1000-1130), with the second taking place on Friday 5th November (1000-1130). 

The Coalition will also be calling for the network to decide and drive the themes and topics for future Town Halls. Currently issues such as equality, diversity and inclusion; social prescribing and climate change look set to be featured, but suggestions for other themes are invited.


Kelly Smith, Insight and Engagagement Officer for the Coalition, said: “The aim of our Town Hall events is for member organisations to be able to get closer to important issues in the sector, and drive our collective response to them. 

“Collective action is the fundamental purpose of the Sport for Development Coalition, so we hope these frequent touchpoints and opportunities for engagement will enable our member organisations to steer the direction of the Coalition.”