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26 Jan 2021 | 8:08

The Chair of the Sport for Development Coalition has called for a “new social contract with sport and physical activity” following the launch of Sport England’s new strategy. 

The 10-year strategy, entitled ‘Uniting the Movement’, reveals how the funding body aims to maximise the role that sport and physical activity can play in “transforming lives and communities”  

Andy Reed, Chair of the Coalition, welcomed the strategy’s focus on improving health and wellbeing, and connecting communities, and called for further social outcomes being generated through sport to be recognised and supported by communities, funders and policy-makers as part of a reset of what sport and physical activity means in the country. 

Sport England’s vision of “uniting the movement” to ensure “the transformational impact sport and activity can have on the nation’s health and wellbeing” is closely aligned with the Coalition’s own vision and mission of maximising the wider societal role of sport and physical activity.

The new strategy puts removing “existing barriers to sport” and tackling inequalities at the heart of its mission, with a pledge to invest most “in those that need it most”. 

Andy said: “The impact of the pandemic, growing social challenges and subsequent widening inequalities mean we urgently need a new social contract with sport and physical activity, focused on the wider social outcomes that sport can deliver.  

“Therefore we welcome the ambition of Sport England’s strategy to maximise the contribution of sport and physical activity to changing lives and improving communities, and long-term commitment to removing the barriers to sport and activity that exist for so many individuals and communities.”


Earlier this week, the Coalition launched its own ‘Adapt Support Respond’ initiative to showcase the contribution of organisations across its network, who are adapting their services to continue delivery throughout lockdown, preparing to support the recovery from the pandemic, and getting ready to respond to many of the big societal challenges that lie ahead.

He added: “Sport and physical activity have an important role to play as we seek to recover from the pandemic, and respond to the new challenges and realities which will follow it.

Sport England strategy

“We must expand understanding, recognition and investment in the contribution that sport can make beyond health and wellbeing, to addressing loneliness and social isolation, improving educational attainment and employability, to community cohesion, and reducing anti-social behaviour and entry into the justice system.  

“As a growing Coalition of more than 160 charities, governing bodies, community groups, clubs and foundations, we are fully committed to supporting Sport England’s vision to maximise the contribution of sport to changing lives and improving communities, and welcome the vision and ambition of this long-term strategy.”


Working collectively across industries, sectors and all parts of Government, and in partnership with business, social entrepreneurs and innovators alike is key to achieving this ambition. The focus of the strategy to work together with a diverse range of partners to ensure the sector plays its part in “helping to address many of society’s biggest challenges” is essential and welcomed by the Coalition, which is supported and funded by Sport England, as well as Comic Relief and Laureus Sport for Good. 

To realise this potential of sport and physical activity as a catalyst for wider social change, it is important to prioritise data-driven, innovative and ring-fenced investment both proportionate to need and in the parts of the movement that can unlock wider engagement, commitment and resources to achieve this vision. The Coalition welcomes the focus of this way of working in the strategy and commits to work with the wider sport and physical movement towards not only uniting but growing the movement as part of a new social contract with sport and physical activity. 

Read Sport England’s new strategy ‘Uniting the Movement’.