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14 Nov 2021 | 13:13

The Sport for Development Coalition has launched a process for supporter organisations to indicate how they would like to participate in, support and help facilitate the ‘collective action’ of network. 

More than one third of the 200-plus organisations which make up the network are already involved in collective action through the Coalition Board, sub-committees and steering groups. These organisations oversee thousands of projects and programmes intentionally using sport to generate positive social outcomes across the UK.


It is essential that Coalition groups remain geographically, culturally and thematically diverse in nature to ensure the inclusive governance of the network. The Coalition is committed to and recognises the value of diverse governance and leadership; it is of critical importance that different lived experience inputs into and leads the collective action. 

The ‘Collective Action Expression of Interest (EOI) Process’ form takes around 10 minutes to complete. We will ask you to provide information about which areas of the Coalition your organisation would like to contribute to as well as the knowledge and diverse lived experience you can offer. 

Complete the Collective Action Expression of Interest (EOI) Process 

The deadline for completing the process is Tuesday 30th November (5pm GMT).

The Coalition welcomes and encourages applications from people of all backgrounds. We particularly encourage applications from people who are from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, and people from the LGBT+ community, as these groups are currently under-represented across the Coalition’s governance structures. 

Kelly Smith, Insights & Engagement Officer for the Coalition, explained: “The purpose and mission of the Coalition is to enable sport for development to achieve its full potential in the UK, and the Coalition fulfils this mission through ‘collective action’ which is governed and delivered by the network.

EOI Process

“The network brings together organisations committed to this objective, enabling mutually beneficial activities and projects to be delivered, supports regular communication between and across the network, and facilitates the sharing of learning on how to effectively measure, enhance and demonstrate impact.” 

This work is supported by a small back-end team, which supports the facilitation of the following groups or activities: 

Working or advisory groups

  • Policy Advisory Group
  • Communications Working Group
  • Impact Working Group and Shared Measurement Initiative
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group

Events and strategic communications opportunities

  • Coalition strategic communications, advocacy and campaigns
  • Town Halls 

Read more about the groups and activities here, and complete the EOI Process.