The Sport for Development Coalition is to host a series of induction sessions throughout 2021, for network partners and supporters new and old to attend.
The Coalition’s network has grown rapidly since last summer when core partners Sport England, Comic Relief and Laureus Sport for Good announced new four-year funding to support the movement.
Since then a new Executive Director, Ollie Dudfield, and Insights and Engagement Officer, Kelly Smith, have been appointed to the management team, and have begun to implement the Coalition’s strategy which has three core aims:
- Advocacy – making the case for sport for development.
- Impact – building the case for sport for development.
- Investment – strengthening sport for development.
There are three sessions scheduled for the first half of 2021, which will be led by Ollie, Kelly and the Coalition’s communications lead Simon Lansley, with more to follow later in the year. The one-hour sessions will be split between the team providing an overview of strategy and activities, and a facilitated discussion for supporters to ask any questions or highlight any key areas they would like the Coalition to address. They are due to take place:
Kelly explained: “The Coalition’s overall aim for organisations and individuals joining the movement is to enable them to speak confidently in terms of the social and economic contribution that they are making within the communities they work in.
“Through bringing together the many brilliant organisations in the sector doing great work the Coalition aims to give them a stronger voice, as well as harnessing the expertise and reach of bigger organisations.
“We want supporters to have experiences, through our activities and events, which are informative, empowering and enable collaboration.”
Previous events and activities that supporters have been able to engage with and contribute to, include:
- SFDC launch events
- Social media events
- Sport England strategy consultation
- End-of-year forum
- Working group meetings
- Impact portal and collective survey tool development